Student Exchange Programme (SEP)

Student Exchange Programme

CEG students @ SEP

Jeremias Wong @ ETH Zurich

Why ETH Zurich? Because it has the best Computer Science program (in the list of places available for CEG’s application)

Most memorable aspect: Getting splinters all over my body after trying to climb a bale of hay.

A close second: Cycling down a mountain in Switzerland, without brakes.

Highlights: Chaos Communication Camp, some hackathons and a coding contest.

Costs: 8000 - 12000 CHF would be appropriate for 1 semester in Zurich. It depends on where and when you stay and how much you are willing to spend, to get to where you want to go.

Tips: Have a theme or objective for your trip. Mine was 1) Mountains 2) to experience the Hacking Culture of Europe.

Michelle Tee @ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Why KAIST? Because they offer a wide range of courses and promote a rich cross-cultural experience. The professors were competent and knowledgeable in their fields. The lessons were conducted in English.

Also, KAIST held many student activities like a cross-cultural food fair, as well as the Spring Festival during my time of stay. These activities not only allowed me to interact with the locals on a personal basis, but also enabled me to understand other cultures from all around the world. One of the highlights during my stay in Korea was the changing of season from winter to spring. During that time, there were many flower festivals held around Korea to celebrate and showcase the colourful blooms. These festivals would have performances and stalls which exhibited the local food. Overall, my SEP days were a very enriching experience.