Course Mapping

[With reference to CDE and SoC course mapping pages]


  • There is no deadline for submitting mapping requests but you should submit in advance and allow at least 2 weeks for processing. Please do not submit at the last minute and then push for the approval stating its urgency.
  • Do not submit duplicate mapping requests.
  • If credits transfer is imperative, you should ensure that mapping is approved before you register for the overseas course(s). Otherwise you might run the risk of not being able to transfer any credits back (if the mapping is not approved).
  • You do not have to seek approval for courses that you have no intention of transferring the credits back to NUS e.g. read for enrichment purpose only.
  • All courses taken overseas will be excluded from GPA computation should you wish to transfer the credits back to NUS. Please also refer to OUR page on Minimum Units requirements.
  • If you wish to map a course to a specific NUS course, do ensure that both courses are similar in content and/or contact hours before submitting a request for mapping approval.
  • It is possible to map courses which are not available at NUS. A dummy code will be issued by the approving authority for the approved course if there are no similar courses from NUS to be mapped to. PS: The approving authority at NUS may be determined by the equivalent host department (of course) at Partner University.
  • Please provide an English translation where applicable.
  • Incomplete application will result in delays in processing.

For students going for Exchange from AY2016/17 (and onwards)

Please login to Education Records System (EduRec) to submit your course mapping requests, via the Course Mapping worksheet. The navigation path is: Self Service -> External Study -> Course Mapping Worksheet.

Students admitted from AY2015/16 - AY2020/21 are not allowed to map back GEs/use SEP courses to fulfill GE pillars/requirements.

Credits transfer will be processed based on the approved course mappings. Hence, you should complete your course mapping requests before your return. To request for credits transfer, please submit your official transcript from the Partner University, to Ms Diana Wong at SoC Undergraduate Office @ COM1, Level 2, for verification and processing.