Global Experience

NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)

Spend 1 year working at a start-up in Silicon Valley, New York, Beijing, Shanghai or Stockholm, or half-a-year at Israel, Beijing or right here in Singapore, while taking courses at partner universities such as Stanford, Tsinghua etc. This experience sparked the entrepreneurial journey for our Computer Engineering alumni like Lucas Ngoo (co-founder of Carousell) and Wu Wenxiang (co-founder of Zopim)! Refer to CEG-NOC mappings page.


Exchange Programmes

[Apply via Education Records Systems (EduRec)]

Posted on: 30 January 2024

Apply for SUSEP (in sem 1, AY2024/25) by 2 Feb 2024

Posted on: 24 August 2023

SEP application for Exchange in AY2024/25 - Round 1: 22 Aug - 24 Sep 2023 | CEG_AY2425 Round 1 Places

- Student Exchange Programme (SEP)

[Click here for more CEG seniors’ experiences.]

Please note the following:
- SEP for CEG students is administered by SoC UG Office.

- Students are encouraged to choose a destination other than their home country for the exchange.

- Please ensure you have considered carefully BEFORE applying. Some factors include: course mappings, academic calendar of Partner University, language of instruction, financial matters, scholarship obligations, family commitments, etc. DO NOT adopt an ‘apply-first-consider-later’ mentality. Once you have been selected by the School for SEP to a particular university, withdrawal should not be taken lightly.

- Course mapping

1. For instructions on course mapping (SEP/summer programme), please access via ‘Course Mapping’ link on the left panel.

2. You can do as many technical electives as you want while on SEP, and when you are credited with these, they will appear on your transcript. However, regardless of the number of technical electives you did on SEP,

Students from AY2017/18 - AY2020/21 intakes, are required to do at least 8 units of technical electives (out of 20 units) at NUS.

The reason is that NUS cannot fairly assess your performance to award honours classification when too many technical electives are taken on an ungraded basis (as is the case with technical electives taken during the SEP).

3. Unless an equivalent course with close match to CG3002 (6 units)/CG4002 (8 units) syllabus is offered at the Partner University, CEG students are strongly encouraged to take the capstone project at NUS.
- Updated 5 Oct 2022: CDE OUP informed that students from AY2021/22 intake (and onwards) cannot map back common curriculum courses from their SEP stint. Consequently, CEG students cannot map back CG4002 (fulfilling Integrated Project) from SEP.

4. Your workload during SEP should follow that at NUS i.e. the equivalence of 15 - 25 units.
Students may list more than five courses in their Study Plan submission; the extra course(s) may be used as alternatives/spare.

5. For previous approved mappings of courses hosted by ECE, refer to ECE SEP site > ‘Past Approved Course Mappings'. The past records only serve as a guide and are still subject to the final approval (again).

6. Students from AY2021/22 intake (and onwards) are highly recommended to read CEG technical electives, as UE.

7. For students from AY2021/22 intake (and onwards) who are enrolled in Specialisation(s),
- you can map up to 8 units of unique SEP courses per specialisation,
- the mapping(s) approved for a particular specialisation should not be used for mapping (again), for another specialisation or Minor programme.
- No additional approval from the respective specialisation coordinator is required. Review (for course suitability) will be done online by the respective course host.
- Please note that for Robotics specialisation, students who choose to do FYP (robotics-related) are Not allowed to map other electives (while on SEP) to the specialisation. Students who choose to read 20 units of Robotics electives may map up to 8 units.
- Please note that for IoT specialisation, students who chose to double-count CG4002, are Not allowed to map other IoT cores (while on SEP) to the specialisation.

8.Students are Not allowed to map back preclusion course(s) of CEG core courses. As an example, if you mapped back CS2106 (during exchange), the 4 units will count as excess units (on top and above the minimum 160 units for graduation) AND you are still required to read CG2271 at NUS. 


- Summer and Winter Programmes

Useful Links:
- GRO:

- SoC: 

Guidelines for course mapping:
- After you are accepted for a particular programme AND prior to leaving for the programme (preferably 1 to 2 months prior), seek the approval for the respective course(s) you want to map back.
This is the same process for SEP; refer to the instructions at the Course Mapping page.
- Upon return, submit a copy of your transcript to SoC UG office (COM1-02-19) for credit transfer.


To facilitate the collation of data on students’ extent of overseas exposure, if you had participated or will be participating in any Overseas Enrichment/Educational Programmes (beside SEP and NOC), please complete the form via:

MySOC > Student Services > Overseas Enrichment Programme