Graduate Employment Survey 2023: Top salary for CEG Students
The following is a summary from the latest annual Graduate Employment Survey 2023 conducted by the Singapore Ministry of Education:
Degree |
Gross Salary (SGD$)
Mean | 25th percentile | 75th percentile | |
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) | 5,737 | 4,900 | 6,355 |
Average of all NUS degrees (including law and medicine) | 4,767 | 4,047 | 5,142 |
Average across all NUS, NTU, SMU degrees (excluding law and medicine) | 4,647 | 3,976 | 5,037 |
NUS Computer Engineering graduates continue to command some of the best salaries of university graduates across different disciplines and universities.
In fact, CEG is one of the highest among the science and engineering degrees offered by NUS and NTU.
The full results are available here.