Curriculum at a Glance

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements (Cohorts 2021/2022 and after)

The Computer Engineering programme has adopted a new undergraduate curriculum structure for students enrolled from August 2021. Students will read a total of 160 units (or the equivalent of 40 courses), as shown in the following schema:


The Common Curriculum has been jointly developed with industry partners. It seeks to integrates knowledge and skillsets relevant to the professional training offered by both schools and to equip students with essential 21st century competencies. The following pillars make up the Common Curriculum, comprising 60 units (or the equivalent of 15 courses):


The remaining 10 courses under Unrestricted Electives allow you to build your own degree e.g. by doing a Second Major, Minor(s), Specialisation(s) and/or go deeper into your Major by taking more technical electives.